5 Minutes with Jesus - Philippians 4:6

Video series "5 minutes with Jesus" will help you walk out God's truth one scripture at a time. Truth and empowerment for your faith journey. | www.chamelevans.com

Carving out time in our daily schedule can be hard but not impossible.  For me, when I don't get my quality time in with God, the rest of my day is tough! As w're running on fumes, the enemy sits waiting to run havoc in our lives causing us to be anxious, overwhelmed, and simply all over the place.  Been there?  I sure have .. left feeling drained, stuck, and stagnated.  

Friend, we have a choice to take a stand and refresh our atmospheres by pressing forward and that starts with getting into the Word of God.  Honestly, you don't have to be a Bible scholar or devote a whole day to do so.  God just wants to meet you -- right where you are?  The more time you spend with Him, the more you mirror Him.  So let's carve out five minutes today and dive into His Word and watch our hearts, attitudes, and actions change for the glory of God.  You got this -- because God got it!