// MY WHY //
Igniting a Contagious Spiritual Fire
It’s time out for the empty hustle! A very bold statement -- I know, but think about how we live in a society that’s driven by the idea to constantly be on the hustle to make life happen. In my opinion, it’s like an underlying push to stay afloat, stay relevant, and be enough. But what happened to living anchored in our faith and embracing peace knowing that God will fulfill every aspect of our lives?
Yet, no one wants to talk about how stressful it can be to do it all, all the time.
No one wants to talk about how there’s only a little energy left at the end of the day. How we run ourselves ragged and have bits and pieces left to give to our families and passions.
No one admits to feeling stuck or succumbing to fear, doubt, or perfection.
No one talks about what happens when we can’t be Superwoman all the time. And honestly? Feeling overwhelmed was never suppose to be a lifestyle and we were never suppose to do life alone.
It’s like we fall trap to this Sunday consumer way of life; trying to figure out how to squeeze a bit of God in our schedules while we simply overlook the person that brings us home -- God.
Think about how you scroll through your Instagram feed, and see the pretty pictures capturing the woman who is rocking it out in her home, career, or biz, and the lovely filters that express the essence of personal memories. We get to see short fragments of what life is or seems to be. You’ve seen it right? But many times, I’m curious to know about the woman on the other side of that image. How is she and what’s on her mind? Where is she on her spiritual walk? Is she wearing herself thin for this perceived “I have it together” persona? What does she desire or what does her heart ache for?
I ask these questions because I’ve been guilty of capturing these mountain peak moments all while depleted from the busyness of life and never ending to-do lists. And let’s not talk about the self-inflicted emotional meltdowns along the way -- which the enemy loves to have a hand in. I’m over it and it’s time to say enough is enough!
It’s time to ignite a spiritual fire -- a movement of women hungry for God as we live out our truest authentic selves, loving and influencing those in our circles, owning our flaws and breaking free from roadblocks. Women designed to have their divine essence touch the whole world because this spirit led crusade is not only touching individual lives but generations to come.
And that’s why I’m on a mission to set hearts ablaze for the Kingdom by providing heart stirring mentoring and faith-infused resources and products to help women illuminate God’s truth and light in their daily walk. I’m taking a stand and saying no more to placing God second to everything else, living a mediocre life, falling trap to the schemes of the enemy, and allowing worldly perceptions to keep me from living victoriously. And I will help other women like you do the same! Our value isn’t in this world, what we do, or the circumstance around us, but it’s in who we are -- the daughters of the Most High. Let’s live like it!
Faith mentoring isn’t about given you a perfect strategy to make it to Heaven but it’s speaking life into your inner champion - that female warrior that’s ready to battle and experience God in heart-stretching ways while operating from a place of grace - not perfection.
Faith empowerment allows opportunities for us all to walk as sisters in faith radiating the word of God in our actions, welcoming transparency and vulnerability, and planting seeds of love, encouragement, and compassion. Spiritual maturity, accountability, and discipleship at its very best.
One generation shall commend your works to another, and shall declare your mighty acts. - Psalms 145:4
Iron sharpens iron, and one man sharpens another. - Proverbs 27:17
Not just a personal call, but a declaration made by God himself for us to chase after Him with a burning passion and determination to see others grow in their faith. Women not enslaved by the day to day routines, but women chasing the abundance of God.
When God fuels you, you fuel others, a win-win! We are on a faith journey together, strengthening our faith core and cultivating lifestyles that allow our voices and actions to speak God’s truth. Lets own our God-given power and set the world on fire -- for the glory of God!